COURT: i saw this word in a magazine. the maeaning is an assembly (iincluding one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
HUMBLE: i saw this word when i was walking in the street. the meaning is a low or inferios in station or qualiti.
AGNOSTIC: someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something. i saw this word in the newspaper.
PACE: the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
VIRTUE: the equality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. i saw this word in a church.
DEMENTIA: mental deterioration or organic or functional origin. i saw this word in a e-mail that i recieved the last weekend
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
weekly words
Bold= its a kind of letter. I saw this word in my computer
Ain't= i saw this word in a book. Ain't is a contraction originally used for "am not", but also used for "is not", "are not", "has not", or "have not".
Warfare: i saw this word in a movie. It's the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war.
Carpool: i saw this word in a email of sarah. The meaning is many people in one car.
Woot: Woot is an Internet retailer based in the Dallas suburb of Carrollton, Texas. Isaw this words in a truck.
Typhoon: i saw this word in a program of Discovery Channel. And the meaning is a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans.
Ain't= i saw this word in a book. Ain't is a contraction originally used for "am not", but also used for "is not", "are not", "has not", or "have not".
Warfare: i saw this word in a movie. It's the waging of armed conflict against an enemy; "thousands of people were killed in the war.
Carpool: i saw this word in a email of sarah. The meaning is many people in one car.
Woot: Woot is an Internet retailer based in the Dallas suburb of Carrollton, Texas. Isaw this words in a truck.
Typhoon: i saw this word in a program of Discovery Channel. And the meaning is a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
news of choice
Regents Set to Raise Tuition in California by 32 Percent
The university of California is going to raise the fees for the next semester 32 % this is too much for all the guys who are studying over there... i heard in the television that this is going to affect more at the Latin people than American people, obviously the Americans are in their country and Latin people are international thats why they are going to be the most affected people.I dont know why increase the tuition? its education, they should need to ask for help if the university are in a reseason but at the goverment, not like raising tuiton. The impact on the University of California campuses has been dramatic. Faculty hiring is not keeping up with enrollment demand, and many course sections have been eliminated. So this is the reason of why the university needs to increase tuition.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
weekly words...!!!!
PEST: plague a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents. I saw this word in truck of pest work.
QUITTING: when you want to leave smoke. I saw this word in the box of the cigarettes.
WIDE: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide". i saw this word in a big truck in the 35 Highway
BAGEL: glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust. I saw this word in a store.
PEDESTRIAN: a person who travels by foo. I saw this word in a hospital.
MENTOR: serve as a teacher or trusted counselor.
QUITTING: when you want to leave smoke. I saw this word in the box of the cigarettes.
WIDE: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide". i saw this word in a big truck in the 35 Highway
BAGEL: glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust. I saw this word in a store.
PEDESTRIAN: a person who travels by foo. I saw this word in a hospital.
MENTOR: serve as a teacher or trusted counselor.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
2nd news of choise
My news of choise of this week are for war. Now North Korea against South Korea before 7 seven yrs ago the've never problems something like this of this week, why fight? why war? why the world cant live in peace so this is difficult? i dont thing so, the problemm is for disputed the water off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and a collapsed from SK to NK, this happened when SK sent patrol boats to the disputed sea border after detecting a NK patrol boat approaching waters the South has controlled since the Koean war enden in 1953. The North Korea Boat ignored five warnings broadcast and sailed more than a mile into SK-held water. So the problem started NK so with this we can have an argument that the Korean War never officially ended.
My news of choise of this week are for war. Now North Korea against South Korea before 7 seven yrs ago the've never problems something like this of this week, why fight? why war? why the world cant live in peace so this is difficult? i dont thing so, the problemm is for disputed the water off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and a collapsed from SK to NK, this happened when SK sent patrol boats to the disputed sea border after detecting a NK patrol boat approaching waters the South has controlled since the Koean war enden in 1953. The North Korea Boat ignored five warnings broadcast and sailed more than a mile into SK-held water. So the problem started NK so with this we can have an argument that the Korean War never officially ended.
today im going to talk about of what happen in the war world all the countries everyday has a lot of kidnapped people i dont know why whe are living with this thing, I know in all the world we have countries secures and insecures, my contry is insecure im from Mexico and thats the only reason that I dont want Mexico. But the problem of this newx is from afhanistan, why journalist? they only makes their jobs, why kill these ppeople they are working they are not doing bad things we need to finish with bad people. we need to star to bring peace in all the world, why kill people, i know that Afghanistan is always fighting with their neighbour couintries but we nedd to finish with this. Pakistan is being held in the eastern Kunar and his captors demanded the release of 12 more prisoner and the withdrawal of norwegian troops froom the country because the journalist were from Norwegian.
today im going to talk about of what happen in the war world all the countries everyday has a lot of kidnapped people i dont know why whe are living with this thing, I know in all the world we have countries secures and insecures, my contry is insecure im from Mexico and thats the only reason that I dont want Mexico. But the problem of this newx is from afhanistan, why journalist? they only makes their jobs, why kill these ppeople they are working they are not doing bad things we need to finish with bad people. we need to star to bring peace in all the world, why kill people, i know that Afghanistan is always fighting with their neighbour couintries but we nedd to finish with this. Pakistan is being held in the eastern Kunar and his captors demanded the release of 12 more prisoner and the withdrawal of norwegian troops froom the country because the journalist were from Norwegian.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
mood: i saw this word in a movie... and the meaning its like a feeling
lognhorn: is the pet of the futbol team of austin, its an animal
breakfast tacos: to get tacos lunch in a cafe
shikitara: its one kind of drink with alcohol vodka, whiskey and i dont remeber the other content, i saw this word in a restaurant.
bachellor: its something for your career in the university or in the college
lognhorn: is the pet of the futbol team of austin, its an animal
breakfast tacos: to get tacos lunch in a cafe
shikitara: its one kind of drink with alcohol vodka, whiskey and i dont remeber the other content, i saw this word in a restaurant.
bachellor: its something for your career in the university or in the college
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I like this article becuase nowadays the people need to get some fun, not only work, stress and all those things... China finally approve the deal after years of talk. with this disney is going to create ten of thousand of jobs. Disney is not the only thing that americans is going to make in china... also they are going to create free schools for chinesse people for learn english free, not all is based in princes and toys, learn a language its important thats why this schools is going to be inside the hotels of the park!!!
with this disney in chiina all the people is going to be winner, why? more people in the hotels this means that shangai could have more than 40% visitors than a normal year, so high economy more jobs, some fun, roller coasters and a lot of things!
with this disney in chiina all the people is going to be winner, why? more people in the hotels this means that shangai could have more than 40% visitors than a normal year, so high economy more jobs, some fun, roller coasters and a lot of things!
weekly word for october
weekly words...
bravely: corageous, this word is in gladiator book
underlying: i saw this word when i was reading the newspaper. the meaning is be or form the base form.
implies: i dont know the meaning jejeje, but i saw this word in the mall
terrified creatures: halloween coustoms 6th street and TIEP
mature 17+: content of something, i saw this word in a movie
trick or treat: when american boys asked for a candy in halloween!
bravely: corageous, this word is in gladiator book
underlying: i saw this word when i was reading the newspaper. the meaning is be or form the base form.
implies: i dont know the meaning jejeje, but i saw this word in the mall
terrified creatures: halloween coustoms 6th street and TIEP
mature 17+: content of something, i saw this word in a movie
trick or treat: when american boys asked for a candy in halloween!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hurting Rivals, Google Unveils Free Phone GPS
I like this article... why? is simple the answer... everybody likes cellphones, everybody want to have gps in their cellphone... i like too... i prefer GPS in my cellphone... i dont like cellphone games or music. and u can use GPS where ever u are, it help´s u for find/search any place or if u ´r lost u can use the GPS.
It becomes to be a very good strategic for Google, cuase it began to start creating his news maps of the world and thats why google are making this with mobiles. This is consistent with a certain pattern of Google, where they are able to build volume and usage of a product and then subsidize it with advertising. the application will be in the new motorola droid. So lets buy this mobile for get the new GPS of Google.
It becomes to be a very good strategic for Google, cuase it began to start creating his news maps of the world and thats why google are making this with mobiles. This is consistent with a certain pattern of Google, where they are able to build volume and usage of a product and then subsidize it with advertising. the application will be in the new motorola droid. So lets buy this mobile for get the new GPS of Google.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I like the third edition iphone 'cause the battery si better than the first one.
When u r going to buy a cellphone u need to know all the functions that it has and thats why iphone is a good choice
Iphone are for make calls and text message. if u want to listen music just get a mp3 sistem like an ipod!!!
When u r going to buy a cellphone u need to know all the functions that it has and thats why iphone is a good choice
Iphone are for make calls and text message. if u want to listen music just get a mp3 sistem like an ipod!!!
The romans forces are preparing for the battle agaisnt the germans. Maximus the captain of the romans is going to have his last battle, because he is goint to move at his home after this battle.
Mximus takes earth in his hands for get a god luck in the battle. H always did this before a fight. it can be a signal for his god or religion. I supposed that this action is something about the catholic religion like we're earth and we're going to transform in earth. this is the bible...
Ithink this is the meanning of his action because romans were/are catholics and thats why he did it!!!
Mximus takes earth in his hands for get a god luck in the battle. H always did this before a fight. it can be a signal for his god or religion. I supposed that this action is something about the catholic religion like we're earth and we're going to transform in earth. this is the bible...
Ithink this is the meanning of his action because romans were/are catholics and thats why he did it!!!
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