Thursday, November 5, 2009


I like this article becuase nowadays the people need to get some fun, not only work, stress and all those things... China finally approve the deal after years of talk. with this disney is going to create ten of thousand of jobs. Disney is not the only thing that americans is going to make in china... also they are going to create free schools for chinesse people for learn english free, not all is based in princes and toys, learn a language its important thats why this schools is going to be inside the hotels of the park!!!

with this disney in chiina all the people is going to be winner, why? more people in the hotels this means that shangai could have more than 40% visitors than a normal year, so high economy more jobs, some fun, roller coasters and a lot of things!


1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in this article too. Because Walt Disney chose Shanghai as 6th Disney theme park, so only China without the home America has two Disney theme park in country. I think that this plan is expresion of growing China now on.
